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November 30, 2010
Buddhism Evolves from “traditional” to LGBT-friendly.
One of the great things about Buddhism is, as the Dalai Lama says, that if it’s ever out of date it’ll just…change. You hear that often, from more “organized” religions? Well, sometimes.
Why is Buddhism so happy to change its ways, if its teachings prove incorrect? Well, as the Dalai Lama says once again, Buddhism is about experience, not faith. If you can’t experience something to be true…say, like reincarnation…you don’t have to believe in it. We don’t believe in anything, after all, that we can’t measure. We’re non-theistic, after all. Sound anything like science? You got it.
Buddhism, when it comes to sexuality, is pretty progressive. Verrrry progressive, in some ways. But in other ways Buddhism has been a bit outmoded for a long time. See the clause in the Vinaya about immoral sexual behaviour. Now when I took that vow, daily, each morning at Karme Choling, we were taught that immoral sex wasn’t so much about bits and tackle, anal sex, or homosexuality—or whatever. It wasn’t about the birds and the bees. It was about morality—having an affair, that sort of thing.
But, traditionally, Buddhism included homosexuality in the sexy laundry list of improper sexual behaviour.
As this far-right nimby pimpy Brit likes to remind us:
Now, I don’t know as much about the Dalai Lama’s views or Buddhism and tolerance as many of you (please share comments, info below if so inspired), but I can’t imagine he’s not open to updating dusty ol’dogma in the interest of inclusion and tolerance and compassion, just like most modern Buddhists.
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