It’s a baby Ganesh! Ben Ralston and his lovely wife just gave birth. He’s of course beyond tired, so I’m posting the good news via their happy family for him. ~ WL, ed.
Dear Elephrends and Elelovers,
Finally our baby boy was born today… thank you for your love and support lately, and here’s a snap of us with our as-yet unnamed son. With love, Ben Ralston
Ben Ralston A baby boy came into the world through my amazingly dignified, beautiful, powerful wife at 18.01 this evening. I spoke of her before as a Goddess, but today she showed it fully and in every way. Mum and baby are healthy, and Daddy is saying a big THANK YOU to all those that have shown us such love and support these las…t days. It’s wonderful to know that you care. Love, Ben and Petra and baby
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