December 2, 2010

5 Recipes to Keep You Warm & Healthy This Winter.

One of the best ways to stay warm in the cold, wintery season is to munch on food that we love. Our bodies naturally go into a hibernation mode that can make you feel like eating more then your usual amount. This can result in not feeling as fit and skinny as you were a few weeks back.

Here are some warm, comforting, and healthy ways to cook and eat  food… and also keep your kitchen warm and cozy.

1. Chicken Soup. Veggie? Replace with dumplings.  Add seasonal veggies like sweet potatoes and carrots. Both are filled with vitamins and nutrients.

2. Roasted Almonds for a fun snack to munch on when you just want to eat. Add a little cinnamon and honey for the sweet and spicy tooth.

3. Sweet Potato Fries. Cut a sweet potato in sections and bake in the oven. This will keep your kitchen warm and cozy and provide a heathy alternative to greasy french fries.

4. Warm Apple Sauce. Put a whole apple in the oven, and then mash it up when it is soft. Add raisons and nuts, and you have a homemade apple sauce.

5. Oat Meal. A great way to start the morning. Put in some fresh fruit and you are on your way.

All healthy ways to satisfy that monster in your stomach, and keep you a little warmer.

Alex Hanifin is a Boulder local. She climbs rocks to get off the ground. She bakes to enjoy herself. And her work comes along with it all.

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