December 2, 2010

Kids Holiday Bike Give-Away.

It was the best Christmas present ever. I was 7 years old, still strongly believed in Santa and the sight of the shiny black BMX bicycle under the tree sent me screaming for joy!

We all remember the excitement of getting our first bike.  My bicycle provided me with my first taste of freedom.  I could finally travel outside the limits of my neighborhood, on my own or in a gang of buddies.  I grew up on two wheels, leaving early on weekend mornings to ride every trail Boulder had to offer.  I’d return just before dark always to the chagrin of my mom,”Where have you been?”  I never really told her the truth, no sense in worrying her.

I’m a strong believer in the power of the bicycle.  Riding is healthy, good for Mother Earth and most of all, Fun!  Who doesn’t love the feeling of coasting downhill, wind blowing in your face and ringing a bell?  Wahoo!

I was fortunate to get started early with bikes.  However, not every child in Boulder has the means to buy a bicycle.

This is where the Heroes at Community Cycles come to the rescue!  For the past five years they’ve been sponsoring the Kid’s Holiday Bike Give-away, it’s their longest running event.

It’s simple, they setup at Boulder Indoor Cycling on December 19th.  The kids eagerly line up, and one by one, they get to walk through a sea of bikes and pick out their favorite.  A dream come true!

How can you help?  Donate an old bicycle today, or you can sponsor a child for $25 dollars or a family for $100.  All the details of how you can help are at CommunityCycles.org

Here’s a video I made to promote the event, please pass it on and help make a child’s dream come true this holiday season.

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