January 27, 2011

Shop for a Cause. Stop Dolphin Slaughter. ~ Nicole Lindstrom

Review: EcoJoia, Organic Clothing for Causes.

I recently watched ‘The Cove’, a documentary about the slaughter of dolphins in Taiji, Japan. I was completely shocked and horrified by the footage featured in the film. Between early September and March of each year, local fishermen capture thousands of dolphins to sell into captivity. Only the best are chosen and the rest are murdered.  If you have yet to see this film, I highly suggest it. The slaughter is heartbreaking and this documentary shows it in true light. The film also sheds light on the inner-workings of the Japanese government and why this slaughter is so difficult to stop.

After watching this film, I felt compelled to find out more. Was there anything I could do to help? While Googling I fell upon a unique online retailer called EcoJoia. This company sells organic merchandise to help support non-profits and is currently partnered with 8 different NGO’s, including Ric O’Barry’s ‘Save Japan Dolphins’ campaign. Their merchandise is designed to generate awareness for various causes and 25%-50% of the proceeds from each item is donated directly to the corresponding non-profit.

What better way to help?! Not only does your purchase help fund non-profit oriented activism, it also serves as a walking billboard for the cause. I bought a Save Japan Dolphins Patch Hoodie (featured in the photograph) and am asked about it wherever I go.

The EcoJoia site has a lot to choose from. Their other partners include: In Defense of Animals, Hawksbill Hope, Haiti Reconstruction, Trees, Water & People, Earth Island Institute, PangeaSeed and HelpElephants.com. They also have fun graphic tees such as “The Peace Sign Tee” that support their EcoJoia Fund. Each quarter EcoJoia donates 20% from this fund to a cause of their choice.

I am truly excited for and inspired by the young companies of today. EcoJoia managed to connect consumerism with fueling change. I know where I am getting all of my birthday gifts this year!

Nicole Lindstrom is a 23 year old CSU graduate. Born and raised in Colorado, she loves everything about the mountains!

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