Meister Eckhart On The Feminine Dynamics Of Christian Spirituality…
“It is good for a person
to receive God into himself or herself
and I call this receptivity the work of a virgin.
But it is better
when God becomes fruitful within a person.
For becoming fruitful as a result of a gift
is the only gratitude for the gift.
I call such a person a wife
and in this sense the term wife is the noblest term
we can give the soul,
it is far nobler than virgin.
Each day
such a person
bears fruit a hundred times
or a thousand times
or countless times,
giving birth and becoming frutiful
out of the most noble foundation of all.”
~from Meditations With Meister Eckhart by Matthew Fox
Fr. Thomas Keating explain how this feminine principle of receptivity or openness to God makes us equal to God…
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