March 15, 2011

Ebookling: Get Paid To Read. ~Emily Casey

Photo: David Davidson

Ebookling is an independent ebook store that is giving authors the freedom to be creative, sustainable and live mindfully. Authors get 50% of sales while Ebookling takes in the other 50%. In comparison, amazon pays their authors about 30%. Creators of ebookling Colin Wright and Miles Fitzgerald are experimentally developing an alternative publishing process that is opening doors for all involved.

By providing fair pay, Ebookling is giving authors a chance to truly tap into their intuitive flow. More time to write, breathe, practice yoga, smile, and play. Giving authorpreneurs the opportunity to practice conscious living, they will generate more valuable content to share with the world. Ev Bogue, a mindful authorpreneur cyborg manifesting enlightened society launched a new book, Augmented Humanity on Ebookling and talks about why he digs Ebookling here.

Aside from righteously empowering the creative geniuses of our time, Ebookling is manifesting a network of creativity and  giving back to its customers and authors in a monetary fashion. In other words, Ebookling makes it easy to promote books using an affiliate link, all you need to do is sign up. Now that your a member, it is time to read, write and get paid. When someone purchases a book via your affilate link Ebookling pays you 25%. A twenty dollar ebook means you get paid 5 dollars just for networking. Yes that’s right, now you are being paid to create, read, and share.

Thanks Ebookling.


Emily Casey is passionate about creative expression, hugs, breathing, and experiencing the natural world. Follow her @feelflowfree

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