March 28, 2011

Men “consider themselves old by the time they reach” 58. Women…

“…consider themselves old by the time they reach…”



Relephant Bonus: Actresses Are on Average 7 Years Younger (curiousgnu.com) [Women actresses are most popular at this age; male actors are most popular at this age…see the chart]

This is silly. Let’s reverse this: At what age do members of the opposite sex look best to men and women? [Graph] 


I have nothing to add to this rather predictably disheartening report except that we ought to look at it, study it, then do the opposite of what most of us seem to be doing.

Instead, let’s alll focus on enjoying getting old, rather than fighting it.

Because, either way, we all go through being born, being young, aging, and dying…not to mention getting sick from time to time. So let’s at least enjoy it and make it look good along the way.


May we all grow up, and grow old, and celebrate our time together.

For more: Every body gets Old. (The Buddha: on aging gracefully: “At death, a person abandons what he construes as mine.”)

And: Beauty Shapes Us All.


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Image: GabboT/Flickr