April 25, 2011

How to be on time for everything.

The below was an intro to our free Top 10 Blogs of the Week email newsletter. It’s a good thing to subscribe to if you just want most of the best of elephant, without the constant stream of random new articles. ~ ed.

“When you’re late, you’re stealing time from whomever you’re late for. It’s rude.” ~ my grandma Carol.

I was supposed to send out this newsletter last Thursday. That’s why half the blogs, below, have to do with Earth Day. They’re still relevant, so we’re leaving them in—after all, we all still want to care for our planet, which supports life, business, family and everything we do.

That said, it’d have been better if I’d sent this email out on Thursday, as we’re supposed to. But I have too much going on. I work all day and evening, every day, and enjoy doing so. We’re so broke and small, staff-wise, that this enterprise needs focus. Still, looking back, I’m surprised I didn’t find an hour to finish this here introduction and edits of this newsletter, last week.

Where does the time go?

Over the last 10 years, I’ve been late (usually just five or 10 but sometimes more) for everything. I usually start hustling and getting ready when it’s just a few minutes until my next appointment. I always somehow think I’ll be on time, or just a minute or two late. So the problem’s me, not my work.

How do you set your mental clock? Do you just decide you’ll be on time, and prepare for whatever’s next well before? Years ago, I arrived late to pick up an ex-girlfriend over at Naropa University. She calmly informed me, in so many words, that I would never be late again. For the next few years, I never was late for just about anything—the message got through my head, somehow, that being late wasn’t gonna cut it. After we went our separate ways, however, I quickly backslid.

I no longer want to allow my ongoing state of overwhelm to give me an excuse for tardiness. Any practical tips from reformed late friends out there, please share them for me and others like me here.

We’ll be in your debt.


Waylon Lewis
editor-in-chief, host
elephantjournal.com, Walk the Talk Show with Waylon Lewis

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