October 14, 2011

Intimations of Revival. ~ Gabe Marihugh

Photo: Michael Prados

Once upon a time people tried to do something to make our world a better place, but seems like that was over before I was born (meaning the 60’s).

One of the saddest things I can think of is someone who has hope, and is alone in it.

I have often felt this way in conversations about the state of the world, because I am not so good at justifying an emotional intuition to someone who has a well thought out bullet list, with supporting verbal essays of why we are fucked. To stand alone against the cynical, educated mind, is to loose.

Enter the #occupy movement, through which I see the emergence of a gathering of a sentiment of hope that I have longed for in my world. You see, I think we are far from lost. I think we have it in us to not only correct our course, but to also become genius navigators.

The #occupy movement is easy to criticize though, because they are gathering in this very spirit of a sense of things gone wrong, rather than marching to a mind manifesto. We keep waiting to hear the genius spokespeople step forward and clarify the purpose of the movement. That will probably happen eventually, but it has not happened yet because this is a different kind of movement. This is an emotional response.

It is not about how we are going to make changes, because we can’t see that answer. The situation is too complex and too out of control. All we can do is say “no.” At first it will not change a thing, but if we can let the emotion build, if we can continue to gather the energy, it will become a force of its own.

The only thing we have to watch out for then is compromise. That is the beauty of a headless movement though: no one to lead us astray.


Gabe Marihugh is a foolish dreamer who has found himself surrounded by commerce. So he tweets his dreams, plays his music, practices his yoga and tells his stories, some of which can be found on www.wildharmonic.com.


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