October 29, 2011

Look Familiar? ~ Linnea Jensen-Stewart

Look familiar?

Yoga is a lot of things, but it is not serious. Laugh at yourself. Celebrate your humanity. And have a frickin’ cookie in its honor.

Enjoy it. Savour it. LOVE it.

Thats all.

Linnea is a vinyasa yogi by heart and power yogi by discipline. She was trained to teach at the 200-hour level at Yandara Yoga Institute in Pescadaro, Mexico, where she practiced the fine art of becoming a baja beach bum (aka – letting it all go and embracing her inner goddess). She stands by the fact that although yoga is a lot about peace and love, it is also about confrontation, discomfort and being accountable for your own personal growth – body and mind. She is a wellness wizard, life-style designer, closet businesswoman, writer, foodie, fashionista, play-tress and creator. She currently teaches at Hot Yoga on the Ridge near Seattle, Wa. Her classes are a mix of alignment, playful discipline, and kicking your ass-ana! “Like” her on facebook. Follow her on twitter @LinneaYoga


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