November 28, 2011

Douche-bag of the Week.

I still don’t get why we idolize sports stars and rock stars and allow ourselves to think its moral that they make ka-millions of dollars. Only people worse are the corporate cronies in the sports racket and music industry who don’t contribute anything but get just as fat off of us.

Still, as a hustling entrepreneur who finds his income questioned all the time on this blog—despite the fact that, like too many of us, I’ve come (successfully) through foreclosure and am even now struggling to make ends meet in an uneven economy etc etc—I love how our society, ie many of you, give a pass to douche bags like this one.

Yes, I’m irey. ~ WL.

Takeaways from NY Times Magazine’s feature interview of Noel Gallagher, formerly of Oasis.

1> He actually really seriously thinks Oasis is in the top 20, possibly top 7, bands of all time.

“I’d probably stay with 7. It would go: the Beatles, the Sex Pistols, the Rolling Stones, the Who. I can never remember 5. Maybe the Kinks. I can’t remember 6, then Oasis…”

2> He feels no shame for reveling in rock star cliches while the world lives in poverty and hunger etc etc:

“I needed a drug habit, a chimp, a Rolls-Royce and a top hat and cane…I got a £110,000 supercar that was built for myself, and I didn’t even have a driving license. They said it would take about a year and a half to build, and I was thinking, Great, I’ll have easily learned to drive in a year and a half…I completely forgot about it and started partying with supermodels, and about a year and a half later somebody delivered it to my house, and I had no idea what they were talking about.

3> His children will be unhappy trustafarian douchebags, unless they get free of his god-awful parenting “wisdom”:

You grew up poor. Are you doing anything to prevent your kids from becoming the idle rich?

I don’t give a [expletive] if they don’t have to work. If you didn’t have to work, would you? I’m hoping they’ll be happy.

The most miserable people I know are those who don’t have to work.

My son ain’t going to be miserable because he’s going to be the child of a rock star, the end.

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