December 6, 2011

Are You An Earth Guardian? Don’t Miss This Celebration.

Here’s the answer: “YES; I care and I’m committed to honoring Life, Nature and the Earth.” Awaken to the realization there is no separation, that awareness is all you need. Combine that awareness with resting fully in the present moment and you’re on your way to a meaningful life of service.

Waking Up to connection and beauty

Earth Guardians are speaking up for Global Sustainability. More than that, they are taking action.

If you’re reading this in Colorado join with the Earth Guardians this December twelfth – that’s 12/12, this coming Monday – when the Mayor of Boulder will declare “Earth Guardian Day”. Learn about all their efforts and good work to make our world and our communities a happier and healthier place.

Register to attend the Awards Gala here and now. 

It’s all happening at the new Shine Restaurant and Gathering Place. Remember the “Trilogy Sisters” – they’re at it again.

Join with a festive and passionate group of Earth cherishing youth and adults, as they honor activist Daryl Hannah, former Mayor Susan Osborne, Activist Sally Ranney (Ted Turner’s Environmental advisor) and Clean Energy Action along with other recipients. Come find out why Alfalfa’s Market, The Growe Foundation and Organic India are also being recognized. Learn more from Glennis Walters Smith’s interviews in The Guide to Health and Healing. Glennis spoke with four of the award recipients and asked them 3 important questions – you’ll want to know what they said.

There is an awakening that we are all interconnected and interdependent – ultimately that’s the essence of the message the Earth Guardians are sharing with those willing to listen to the voices of our youth.

As the Passionist Thomas Berry shared with us:

“The Human venture depends absolutely on this quality of awe and reverence and joy in the Earth and all that lives and grows upon the Earth.  As soon as we isolate ourselves from these currents of life and from the profound mood that these engender within us, then our basic life-satisfactions are diminished. None of our machine-made products, none of our computer-based achievements can evoke that total commitment to life.”

The Great Work: Our Way Into the Future; page 166

Thomas Berry - Earth Scholar / Eco-Theologian

Almost 20 years ago, as Berry and others were helping to shift our cultural pathology of alienation from one another and the destruction of Earth, the Boulder based Earth Guardian school was created in Hawaii. Those first “stewards of the Earth” are approaching their 30’s now.  They represent our collective future.  Keep an eye out for an impending film called “Teenage” it will explore the important role of youth in the process of societal change.

Here’s a glimpse of some of the Earth Guardian’s recent activities in Colorado in conjunction with the iMatter March:

The joining together of movements across complex issues and generational divides, as embodied in the Occupy Movement, is one of the stated intentions of the Earth Guardians.  More than a few of their graduates are engaging with Generation Waking Up and others.  They deserve our attention, our deep listening and our support.

Onward in solidarity with all generations

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