January 13, 2012

A Meditation for Change. ~ Hillary Rubin

Change is ever-present. So why do we resist it?  Why do we crave it?  Why do we deny it?

No one likes change, per se. It’s easy to get used to routines and the same ol’ same ol’, even when its toxic. As humans we love the familiar.

Our ego is addicted to keeping us the same – and it can keep all of our dreams in a cage, no matter how loudly our souls are calling.

The obvious answer? Rise up! Smash through the walls and go for it.

The Buddha said, “Change is the only consistent thing in life.”

“But… I’m safe here…”  is what you’re probably thinking.  Safe? From what? Let’s go there shall we?

It’s easy to say, “Let’s change.” You want it, but old habits always ways seem to win. I’m sure you think it’s impossible.

I have good news for you: it’s not as hard as you think. But you’re going to have to experiment.

My teacher Michael Beckwith says, “A bad day for the ego is a great day for the soul.” Change is like that. Keep this in mind when you venture into new territory.

And even if you don’t try… you’ll be changing no matter what, but you won’t be at the helm. I know you don’t want to sit in life’s backseat waiting asking “Are we there yet?”

Change can be a bit uncomfortable, but stick with it. It’s a sign you’re in store for a transformation. This is damn good news.

Soul work baby…this is the time for a big change, you can feel it in your bones. No more denying it. Set it free.

The secret is simplicity. The simplest practices are what sustains the most growth.

Small steps support big leaps.

If you meditate regularly, this practice may be familiar to you. I invite you to try this as if it was your first time. Start with the beginner’s mind.


Create a space to see yourself in a new way. Release any labels of who you are and step into a new definition. Hit the reset button. Then you’re in the best place to become more of yourself and design the most aligned shifts into your deeper self desires.

You know what I’m talking about: that small but powerful voice inside you that’s pushing you to get your beautiful, amazing dream out into the world.

Let’s get to it, shall we?

First step: you have to be willing to let go of what’s not serving you. You have to be open to what’s possible, even if it scares the crap out of you. Nothing new was ever birthed without strong will and insatiable curiosity.

Play with this every day. Be willing to shift one small habit in your life and see what changes it creates. Maybe you’ll write a poem a day. Maybe you’ll stop eating sugar, complaining or quit smoking. Whatever it is – make the commitment.

Second step: Get clear on what’s in the way. Simple, yet profound. At first, it may seem like nothing is happening. Be still. Turn inward. Listen. Observe your mind, don’t get attached. Watch for what’s in your way to surface. Your willingness coupled with the intentional desire  to wake up to your truth will bust through it.

Take at least 5 minutes to do this – magic is waiting for you on the other side.

Third step: Give yourself permission to be happy, loving, and self expressed. Say it out loud and declare what you want to let go of. Become intrigued with how you work, what you believe, what runs the show. Lift your vibration. Become a seeker of abundance, joy, love, harmony and play.

Train your attention and choose to be it. Set your intention even if your circumstances do not reflect it. Trust you have the energy to manifest. You are constantly manifesting and choosing what you know- now play in the unknown. ‘Different’ doesn’t have to be ‘bad’. ‘Different’ can be exhilarating.

Feel. Pay attention to the feedback. Look at the results.

Play with this and see how this sets the stage for creating a life you love from a deeper place within you. Notice how you get back on track with what matters to you most. Change is radical – that is why we avoid it. Your ego thinks the smallest change will kill you. Laugh when this comes up, and know that you are alright. Alright?

I’d love to hear what you think. You are the alchemist. Make magic happen and realize your dreams now. Don’t settle for what is, go for surprising yourself.

If you feel you want a bit more support to design the life of your dreams, consider this post your sign!


If you want to keep in alignment with your dreams, click here to get on Hillary’s Soul List

Hillary Rubin | Author, Spiritual Life Design Coach, + Host of Get Real with Hillary. Certified Anusara Yoga teacher (Yoga Foundations) and wellness pioneer who coaches women around the world to become undeniable in their life and business.  Hillary has been featured on Fit TV, in The Los Angeles Times, The Independent, Yoga Journal and contributes to the Huffington Post and Origin magazine. Hillary is also writing her first book with the foreword by Agape Founder Michael Bernard Beckwith. 

Helping Women Get Real About Power, Purpose + Unshakable Self-Worth

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