January 25, 2012

Amy Ippoliti: “I have decided to leave Anusara yoga.”

Update: this is Amy’s letter on her web site. An expanded letter for we elephants is coming down the pike—check back here if so inspired. ~ ed.

PS: here’s my interview with John Friend, Mr. Anusara himself, from a few months back following the resignations of Elena Brower, other senior Anusara teachers. ~ ed.

Dear friends, students, and dear Ones,

I have decided to leave Anusara yoga.

It’s been a wonderful ride and one that has deeply influenced my life in infinite ways; however, I have found myself no longer in alignment with the direction of the organization.

Some of you will be upset with this decision, others will be elated, but one thing I can assure you is that I am not going anywhere. I am still Amy, and will continue in my mission to expand the horizons of yoga, and to teach from my ongoing practice as creatively as I know how, and in doing so, I will not compromise my personal values or commitment.

My calling is to help yoga teachers and practitioners of all styles.

Over the past several years I have developed professional programs for yoga teachers that are helping to bring more students to the mat. I am proud that these programs have helped equip thousands of our prized yoga teachers around the world with the tools to serve students better.

My move from Anusara Yoga will allow me to best serve students and teachers from all schools, and I am committed to doing so with the integrity they deserve.

I know that the world will be a better place with more yoga practitioners, and my dedication to this goal will always continue.

Thank you so much for being a part of my life and for your presence in yoga.

I can’t wait for what the future will bring, and to practice with you in this New Year!

Be the light,

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