January 10, 2012

From Father to Son: “The Ten Things.” {Wolf & Medallion video}

“The only thing you need to watch this year.”

Saw this live play/film/interactive experience—for that’s what it is, an experience, not a passive viewing—this summer at the 5 Point Film Festival (click here for more awesome trailers), which we helped media sponsor. It was the best thing I saw there, by far, and much of the rest was impressive, truly—that’s how extraordinary The Wolf & the Medallion is.

This scene blew us all away. We all asked for the video. Here it is.

Fast-forward to 3:22 if you’re busy or only have two minutes to live. Otherwise, do watch the whole thing. And never, ever, ever let the beast catch you:

From the award winning film “The Wolf & The Medallion”– the much requested “ten Things” is now available as a gift from all of us over at ThreeHouse. The Ten Things are a part of the letter written home to my 4 year old son from a small summit on the China/Mongolia border. Happy holidays!

We’re the first to share this up. Please do us a favor if you like videos we share and support independent media—if you’re touched by this, share our link and reward our time finding and sharing such treasures. Don’t share the video directly. Either way, Vimeo and Wolf & the Medallion win. Sharing this link, independent reader-created media wins, too. And that’s important, these days.


Only slightly related bonus (NSFW language):

“Now look, she wants the Heki two-roof lights, side by side french furniture and the scarlet cushions with the matching hatchback covers. Oh and boys, she’s terrible partial to the periwinkle blue.”


I tell ya wha I gonna do.




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