Writers, Bloggers, Photographers, Cartoonists, please feel free to place the FUGMO seal of disapproval on any of your anti-GMO work. Readers, you are invited to add the seal to your avatar.
FUGMO says: “F U, GMOs!”
More on why you too should say F U to GMOs:
From Grist: The next generation of GMOs could be especially dangerous
From Organic Consumers Association: Millions Against Monsanto
From PlanetSave: Hungary Destroys All Monsanto GMO Maize Fields
From Cornucopia Institute: More on GMOs
By the way, my cartoon website (and any other website speaking truth to corporate power) may get shut down if the SOPA legislation passes. It’s internet censorship. It kills the freedom of speech and today is the day to take action.
Joe’s cartoon archive, twitter ramblings and StumbleUpon page…
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