January 30, 2012

Louis CK? Patrick Stewart? Liam Neeson? Neil DeGrasse Tyson? Good men all. But I think it’s time we get re-obsessed with Monty Python.

21 best Monty Python videos of all-time.

(as decided by popularity)

I was feeling kinda burned out and flat and sad and uninspired, today. A friend sent me Monty Python’s Spanish Inquisition video…

…and I was all better. Buddha, Gandhi, Jesus…they’re all good blokes. But Monty Python? The gift of not taking ourselves seriously is surely the quickest, surest path to happiness.

Most popular ever. Choice youtube comment: “I want this played at my funeral.” Another: “bet this song has saved more lives than all the superheroes put together.”


Number two: “Woody.”

3. Birth: from the Meaning of Life:

4. This one killed us when we were kids, we all did our versions of it:


5. What, behind the rabbit?

6. Spamspamspamspamandspam:

7. “Man’s Crisis Of Identity In The Latter Half Of The Twentieth Century.”

8. ‘Tis but a scratch. C’mon, ya pansy! A flesh wound. I’m invincible! Alright, we’ll call it a draw:

9. Wisdom of the mob:

10. Hilarious French taunting. I fart in your general direction:

11. Our boyhood anthem: He puts on women’s clothing…

12. Hegel is arguing…


13. The infamous parrot:


14. Before the internet was invented, there was…


15. You’re lucky!

16. Bananas:

17. Another boyhood anthem:

18. The funniest joke in the world:

19. “I thought to myself: A little fermented curd could do the trick. So I curtailed my Walpoling activities, sallied forth and infiltrated your place of purveyance to negotiate the vending of some cheesy comestibles.”

20. Callling all squad cars in the areeeeeeaaa!


21. Okay, one last: another childhood favorite.


What’d I miss? Let me know in comments, you get enough upvotes I’ll add it in here.


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