January 6, 2012

Only in New York City. {Jessica Latshaw}

“impromptu ukulele-conga jam session between strangers”<> Daily What.

Only in NYC.

That’s not true: music brings together strangers and wakes out-of-it-ness into smiling everywhere. Everywhere.

Wow of the day.

And A Star Is Born: I give you…Jessica Latshaw.

The best 3:44 of my day (and I had a pretty good day)—and now, maybe of yours:

okay- what you are about to watch is a true new york experience. what originally started out as a typical nyc subway ride (sitting across from guy who smelled like urine) turned into an awesome performance by two people who have never met before. i captured the whole thing on video.

the singer continued with another great song after the entire subway car demanded an encore. her name is jessica latshaw- make sure to check out her music.

Same girl:

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