Despite the Hallmarkization of all holidays, I like Valentine’s Day. It’s a cause to reflect upon one’s own love relationship and love in general. What better feeling of happiness is there than to love and be loved? I see no other purpose to existence on earth than to know and experience love. On my first solo adventure to Florida at the tender age of 14, I was in the back of a car with my 12 year old cousin when she asked me “why is every song on the radio about love?” I couldn’t answer her question because at that stage of my life all I could think about was sports; that would soon change as testosterone kicked and took control of my thought process for the rest of my life.
I grew up feeling unloved, rejected, and very alone. It took years of therapy, but I realized that my parents did the best they could and loved me as much as they were capable of. I have battled my entire life between feeling isolated and lonely, and feeling connected and whole. It’s a struggle that everyone endures in being human. I generally walk through life with an open heart, and am easily hurt. I believe that an intimate partnership teaches us how to love, despite our shortcomings. A relationship reveals both our deepest, darkest hidden demons and our most divine wonderful qualities. To be human, is to be wounded. To know love is a great balm to these wounds. There are yogis and saints who have experienced divine love in celibate, monastic existences. Having tried that path, I believe the best thing on earth is to look into the eyes of one’s lover and know love in its pure silent timeless essence. Bring on the flowers, the candlelit dinners, the Hallmark cards professing eternal love – it may be cheesy or contrived, but it’s all for love.
All Hail St. Valentinus.

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