February 15, 2012

Feng Shui in the Home: Balance your Home to Maximize Interior Design. ~ Jo-Ann Rogan


We have all heard the words “Feng Shui” thrown around casually in conversation over the last number of years.

Let’s start with some basic definitions.  Feng Shui is an ancient art and science developed over 3,000 years ago in China. It is a complex body of knowledge that reveals how to balance the energies of any given space to assure the health and good fortune for people inhabiting it. Feng Shui is based on the Taoist understanding of nature, particularly on the idea that the land is alive and filled with Qi, or energy.

One great thing about Feng Shui is that once your home is spiritually balanced, you are setting the stage to decorate with your own art in the most ideal way possible; art is a representation of your personal taste, and if your home is set it up optimally for your energy, you can maximize how you express your creative side.
Here are four easy tips on getting started using Feng Shui in your home to set it up for optimal design and creative decorating.

You have to clear your clutter. Decorating a cluttered home makes no sense, from the Feng Shui point of view.  Only after you have cleared the old energy you can move on to a successful Feng Shui decorating process. There is one more step before you immerse yourself into playing with colors, textures and an endless variety of Feng Shui cures.

Celes Pellegrini

Be sure you have good quality air and light. These two elements are essential for good Qi, or good Feng Shui energy in your home. You can achieve this through air cleansing plants such as Areca Palm, Lady Palm, Rubber Plant, Bamboo Palm, Dracaena Janet Craig, English Ivy, or Boston Fern to name a few.  Research the topic of full spectrum lighting, and then plan on introducing some in your home, as well as your work environment.

One of the basic principles of Feng Shui is the principle of five elements, which are wood, fire, earth, metal and water. These elements interact between themselves in certain ways generally defined as the productive and destructive cycles. Before using specific colors in your home as Feng Shui cures, be sure to study the light patterns throughout the day in the room. You should ask yourself some questions.  Would the color feel good in the morning? How about at night with artificial lighting? You want to always be sure to match the energy of your Feng Shui element energy needed in the specific area of the Bagua, or Feng Shui energy map.

Green is excellent for improving health and balancing family life when used in the East.

Blue is a very good Feng Shui choice in the North bagua area to support the energy of your career growth or in the East (Health/Family) and Southeast (Wealth/Money) to water and nourish the Wood Feng Shui element.

Have some strong Yellow in the South Feng Shui bagua area for happy gatherings and good times.

Pure White in the West (Creativity & Children) will bring supportive energy for all your creative endeavors.

When decorating your home with Feng Shui, it is important to focus on the big picture (your whole house or apartment), as well as “zoom in” into each specific area of your home in order to create the best energy in all your rooms. The next step is to define good Feng Shui products that your home needs and is know how to position your decor items as powerful Feng Shui cures. You might have many of them already, or you might need a beautiful fountain and some great Feng Shui art, plus a Buddha image in your home office to go with your decor scheme.  Once you decide on the items for the home you have to think about the placement of the item.

Once your home is “Feng Shui’d,” you will be surprised how well your personal belongings and creative work now fits into the “vibe” of your living space.

edited by Greg Eckard


This post was written by Jo-Ann Rogan on behalf of PsychicSource, a leading provider of various psychic readings such as angel card readings, past life readings, love readings, and tarot cardings to name a few.

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