February 28, 2012

Meryl Streep’s Academy Award acceptance speech at the Oscars: Class.

A Brief Study in Speech-Making.

First, she calls a spade a spade: she’s won before, she wins everything, people probably wanted one of the newbies to win. Dispensing with everyone’s doubts by acknowledging them.

Then, she laughs it off. Oh well. Charm. She’s got us back.

Then, her husband, and some tears and heart. Human, raw. She’s got us riveted.

Then, she stops time: this is the last time I’ll be here, and here’s to community, to those alive and those who’ve already passed on…it was a eulogy, only for her own life while still alive. Nothing more “dharmic.”

A bad copy, but that’s all there is:


PS: her gown was eco-responsible.

…Meryl Streep joins the Green Carpet Challenge wearing Lanvin’s first ever custom made eco gown. The gown is gold, full-length and made from Eco Certified Fabric sourced with help from the GCC…

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