February 19, 2012

Reasons not to Meditate. ~ Jim Sindt

Grand Velas Resort.

I’m scared.

Scared of how my legs will feel.

My feet and legs will cramp and go numb.

I’m scared of how my “mind” will act. It’s like letting a horse out in a field. Where will it go? What will it do? Will it get bored and start gnawing on a tree? The endless speculation is more interesting than knowing.

I’m scared of silence. Scared of making friends with myself. If I ignore it, it will go away, right?

I don’t want to slow down. I want to experience life as from the window of a car going 75 miles per hour and the people and scenery of my life whizzing by without any real engagement on my part.

I don’t want to participate in my life; I want to let it happen to me. I find it easier to be aloof and detached. When I am aloof and detached, I don’t have to take responsibility for me.

So yes, it comes down to me. To stay on the “me” plan I need that distance, that gap between me and you, between me and life, between a richness and fullness of life and the fuzzy drizzle of “me”.

Posted up by: Greg Eckard.


Jim Sindt is a daily practicioner and student of Shambala.  He sits with a group in Park City Utah on Monday nights.  He lives in Peoa Utah with his wife Jayanne and three dogs.

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