February 16, 2012

The Equinox Yoga Video, narrated by Briohny Smyth.

In the Studio: Briohny Smyth.

She’s no mere “model.” She’s a teacher.

“No matter the length of your practice, try to close with savasana or seated meditation. You might use this time to set an intention for the rest of your day, recite a mantra, or even affirmations that inspire you.

Ultimately…searching…for a quiet mind.”

Now, the world’s biggest yoga video is a learning opportunity.

The Equinox instructor (and internet sensation) narrates her personal body-bending, back-opening flow.


The original: 2.5 million views in one month. And, counting:

Bonus handstand help via Briohny:

The parody, by our new friend Stusser (complete with tattoo):

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