March 13, 2012

Non-Duality to Address Contemporary Human Predicament. ~ Jagdish Kohli, PhD


Non-Duality is the source of all creation, including planet Earth.


A human-being is a dynamic and marvelous manifestation of this creative Divine force. Keeping this awareness in our daily living experience creates a very high quality of mind. Over the millennium there has been a decline in this human awareness. This has led to the design of unsustainable societal systems. Problems of inadequate economic systems, unaffordable healthcare, uncontrollable pollution, growing joblessness, increasing social unrest, growing terrorism, and corruption have destabilized life on our beautiful planet.

The need to move society in a new direction has surfaced as a challenge for the current generation. Invoking the energy of Non-Duality empowers people to solve all societal problems effectively.

Interconnectedness of Life

The source of all creation including planet earth, plant life, animal kingdom and human beings is the energy of non-duality. In addition to the source of creation it is also the binding force which interconnects all life in the universe.

Life is all interconnected and interdependent creating a huge cycle of vibrating energy. A view of this global interconnection is captured in Figure 1.

Every node on the sphere represents some aspect of human well-being activity such as; economic system, food, healthcare, jobs, unemployment, wages, legal system, safety, security, environment, pollution, terrorism, crimes and wars and so on. Any large disturbance on one node of the sphere will impact the energy of the total global system. Unsustainable perturbations in many significant areas of life have destabilized life on planet earth.

Human Living Predicament

During the past century many changes have occurred on our planet. The human population has grown many folds stressing the resource utilization from the planet. Humanity has witnessed the development of many new technologies and explosion of knowledge in every field of human endeavor. Many of these developments have improved life for a selected segment of the global population. Not monitoring the impact of human doing has led to the failure of many societal systems. Human unawareness has resulted in:

•    Failed financial systems, corporate greed, corruption and unsustainable youth unemployment.

•    Wars, crimes, terrorism, and overcrowded prisons.

•    Foods produced with toxic chemicals, water and air pollution.

•    Poverty, illiteracy, disease, hunger.

The current state of the planet and the quality-of-human-life is the result of “crisis in human consciousness”. The meltdown of current societal systems and institutions is the result of leading a life of unawareness by leaders, educated elite and the masses. This phenomenon of too much material development with declining awareness of the inner self is captured in Figure 2.

The gap between material growth and self awareness continues to widen and human misery has already reached at an unsustainable level.

Non-Duality for Modern Time

Non-Duality is the source of all creation. The Duality of the material world experiences the world in pairs such as the perceiver and the perceived, subject and object, good and bad, self and world. While these polarized distinctions appear to be obvious and are both deeply ingrained and quite compelling, they are fundamentally mental constructs. This Duality split may justify material progress but the unifying energy behind this is “Non-Duality”. Getting connected with this source of creation brings a total transformation in one’s life. Any human being with this transformation lives a blissful life and crates the same for others.
There is no single path to perceive the power of non-duality. Every human being has the potential to discover this blissful state in his/her own unique way. An eight fold path defined by Buddha to raise the level of human consciousness is given at the bottom of the page.

The practice of thought meditation can also transform our life. By invoking the right thoughts we create a blissful life. The progression of thought energy to destiny is shown below as well.

The transformational power of Non-Duality must be shared with millions of people seeking change through social media networks.


The planet faces today an unprecedented set of problems because of a serious crisis in human consciousness. If we don’t act with responsibility now humanity will soon be approaching threshold of unimaginable chaos, calamity, death and destruction. But there exists a timeless and lasting solution to address issues facing humankind. It derives from the notion of the power of ideas and the attributes of Non-Duality are so powerful that their effect upon the World will be most profound. The secret of solving the global and local problems lies in the awareness of Non-Duality.

Buddha’s Eight Fold Path:

Right View Right Intention Right Speech Right Action
Right Livelihood Right Effort Right Mindfulness Right Concentration

Progression of Thought Energy to Destiny:

Character Character
Habits Habits Habits Habits
Actions Actions Actions Actions Actions
Thoughts Thoughts Thoughts Thoughts Thoughts Thoughts


Jagdish Kohli holds a Ph.D. Degree in EE from IIT Roorkee, India. He worked as a Communication Scientist at Bell Labs., Bell Communication Research and AT&T for over 21 years. His research contributions have been published in a number of technical journals and magazines. He also presented his findings at a number of national and international conferences. He was invited to contribute a comprehensive article on “Medical Communications” for the Encyclopedia of Telecommunications. Jagdish also has held faculty positions at Panjab University, Chandigarh India, IIT Roorkee, India, New York University, NY and has been an invited speaker at Stanford University, California USA. For the past eight years Jagdish has addressed issues related to the quality of our daily living experience. He has published and presented insights on “Wealth & Quality of Life”, “ The Journey of Human Thought & Happiness”, “Many Facets of Human Mind”, “Our Dynamic Cellular Body” and “Nurturing The Self.” Jagdish and his wife Shashi live in San Francisco bay area and are members of SKY. They have two children and two grand children. Jagdish can be reached at: [email protected]

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