March 8, 2012

Out of Office Reply: Calling All in Transit.

Photo: Honou


“A noble person attracts noble people, and knows how to hold on to them.” ~ Goethe

Back in August, #WIMG shared our intentions around bringing yogic philosophy into the discourse around social media and mindful communication by way of submitting our SXSW Interactive presentation: “Radio Free Yoga: Self-Realize x Social Enterprise.”

The elephant journal community generously responded with votes on our panel, testimonials, and support.

And then, in no small part thanks to you, we were accepted to present at SXSW Interactive.

(from left to right: Vikram, Seane, Jess, Diane and Waylon)

On Saturday, March 10 at 11 am CST we’ll present “Radio Free Yoga: Self-Realize x Social Enterprise” in the Lone Star room of the Omni Downtown, 700 San Jacinto, Austin TX.

It’s all about teamwork, collaboration, and activation.

From the voices of those who have supported us, to those who joined us in our video campaign, to the interest of our co-presenters Seane Corn, Vikram Gandhi, and Waylon Lewis to bring their important voices into the conversation, to our sponsors who are lending their resources, and to our media partners who are tailoring visuals for our SXSW presentation, we can’t thank all of you nearly enough for your interest, encouragement, and outspoken views on the importance of healthy, effective, and mindful communication in the field of social media and for making this topic relevant and of interest to the SXSW community.

The title of our panel presentation, “Radio Free Yoga: Self-Realize x Social Enterprise,” can be broken down into simple concepts.

Radio = signal. You’re a signal, I’m a signal, we’re all a signal. Any communication tool you use is a signal, whether that be Facebook, Twitter, a blog, a website, a wave from across the room or a hand-shake up close and personal.

Radio Free = bringing information to the hard-to-reach, far-away, or P.O.V. hungry masses.

Yoga = unity.

Self Realize = know thyself. Know who you are, what you want, and how you want to say it.

x = by.

Social Enterprise = any organization, whether non-profit or profit, that operates with philanthropic intentions.

This video will be a part of our presentation, and it’s because of you that we were able to have it created. It seems only fair to give you a sneak peek of what we are bringing to the table:


The Dharma of Social Media: Creating a Better Tomorrow from FeelGoodNow on Vimeo.

So many thanks to our friends at FeelGoodNow for creating this remarkable visual.

It is with incredibly deep gratitude to each and every one of you bringing beauty, connection and positive intention to the web wide world, that we represent you and your missions at this famous, interactive festival.

“Yoga brought to the world a celebration of mindfulness and compassion towards others, and opening ourselves to more than just the corporeal experience of human life. Now we’re doing that on the digital level. Now we celebrate the present moment more than we ever have in the past.”


Editor: Jennifer Cusano

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