March 7, 2012

The Dharma of Social Media: Creating a Better Tomorrow.

“A noble person attracts noble people, and knows how to hold on to them.” ~ Goethe

So unless you’ve been hiding under a rock, you know that in four days Where Is My Guru, accompanied by Waylon Lewis, Seane Corn, and Vikram Gandhi will be presenting a panel based on social media and mindfulness at South By Southwest.

You’ve read all the details of our panel, you’ve answered our call to action, hell you even heard the co-founder of SXSW, Louis Black, explain to us that everything we try to plan for, or expect to come at SXSW will be non-existent. There is no preparation.

This video will be a part of our presentation, and it’s because of you that we were able to have it created so it seems only fair to give you a sneak peek of what we are bringing to the table.


We can’t wait to rock SXSW’s world, to go down there and show them what our community is all about.

“Yoga brought to the world a celebration of mindfulness and compassion towards others and opening ourselves to more than just the corporeal experience of human life. Now we’re doing that on the digital level. Now we celebrate the present moment more than we ever have in the past.”


Editor: Jennifer Cusano

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