March 25, 2012

Without her, he wouldn’t have made it up there.

Via Reddit: “Shy, overweight guy blows away audience Pavarotti style AND shuts down Simon Cowell when he tells him to ditch his female singing partner.”

The most touching thing about this video, for me? Her support of him. “I think, for you,” she agrees at the end.

Notice his hands shake so violently he has to hold the mic with two hands at one point. Notice his look at her right before beginning.

A cheesy show? Maybe. A touching moment? Yes:

Opera from Charlotte and Jonathan! – UK version

Arriving on stage at the end of a long day at auditions, a weary Simon Cowell didn’t know what to expect from pop/opera duo Jonathan and Charlotte. Upon singing, everyone soon realised we were in the presence of some serious singing talent. After that goose-bump inducing performance, all four Judges gave them a standing ovation. Bravo, guys!

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