April 1, 2012

{Study} Factory-Farm Meat linked to Sexual Disfunction. [April Fool’s Day edition]

Photo: Beau Lebens

Harvard Medical School study shows clear link between factory-farmed meat consumption and erectile dysfunction.

Want to have good sex? Don’t eat bad meat.

(Via Nature Newsource)

A recent study published by researchers from Harvard Medical School (HMC) claims that eating “Factory-farm meat” may be linked to permanant and irreversible impotence. Unlike most other studies conducted on meat, this one, which was published in the journal Archives of Internal Medicine, does not differentiate between red meat and poultry products. The most significant link found across the study was the size and practices of the farms in question.

For their study, HMC researchers evaluated more than 250,000 men between 1999 and 2010. Those individuals that were given an added portion of factory farm produced meat as part of their daily dietary regimen were found to be 80 percent more likely to suffer from erectile dysfunction. Among those groups who were given a second portion, the flaccidity was near irreversible and unresponsive to pharmaceutical intervention.

“We found that a higher intake of factory farmed meat  was associated with a significantly elevated risk of total, sexual dysfunction for men, and we expect to see similar results when we being our trials with a female subject group,” wrote the researchers in their study.

Is that factory-farmed meat worth risking your sexual health? Will you still enjoy your Big Mac if you can’t get it up?

Is all factory farmed meat really the same? If you listen only to public health officials and many conventional scientists, the answer to this question is yes. If you (and your loved one) value your ability to perform, please consider saying “no” to factory-farmed animal products.

If this concerns you, consider going vegan:




Kate Bartolotta

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