April 21, 2012

The Trance Dance. ~ Adri Kyser

Photo courtesy: Adri Kyser

I recently returned from an amazing weekend in Canada renewed, empowered and with new found inspiration.

Grateful for the opportunity to meet and practice with a wonderful group of yogis.

When I started teaching yoga, I knew yoga was powerful especially when you surrender completely and get out of your own way.

This weekend, I taught a group of yogis I have never met, yet there was a sense of trust and connection from the very beginning. We were ready to breath, move, and dance together. We were ready to flourish and awaken.

I witnessed a transformation in myself and in everyone present. Tears of joy and gratitude along with laughter, love and hope filled the room.

Many of us got more clear definitions of what and where we want to be. Many of us got confirmation that we are doing exactly what we need to be doing or that we are on the right path. Some of us stepped out of our comfort zone and reached new highs never thought possible.

Trance dance was one of those moments for me.

I have participated in many trance dances led by others. I danced to my fullest without any limitations or concerns, but I have never led a Trance Dance on my own before this weekend. I felt I was not ready yet. I made excuses and tried to justify it by making statements like” I am afraid that people won’t come or I would wonder how I would be judged.”

The day came and I could not hide or run anymore. I found the willingness to be vulnerable to dance for my own liberation.

There is a saying, “When the teacher is ready the students will appear.”

I had several students and learned that the participants were looking for something like this for months. We all danced till exhaustion and found freedom.

The most powerful thing, for me, was that I completely surrendered and got out of my own way. I did not worry about the DJ having the perfect songs to play in the order I would like, or what to say, what to do and when. I trusted myself, the flow, and that I would be guided in the right direction. I opened my heart and got out of my head! This was yoga in action, I let go and let God guide me and take over and the best part was everyone did the same.

This was transformational for me.  I am someone that likes to plan, organize and have everything ready so I can do my very best. Don’t get me wrong, I prepared but at the end I let my heart be the guide.

Many of the participants were so grateful for my teaching and for what I was able to offer to them but I am not sure if they realized how much the gave me as well.

Here is a note from one of those students.

“I feel my tummy…my own power and strength…I feel the flame burning stronger and higher than ever to continue trusting my hearts passion in holding space for reverencing water, honouring and recognizing our fluid bodies, going with flow, adapting, ever changing, cleansing and nourishing souls, welcoming tears for healing, allowing E (energy) Motion to be felt and move through, for clarity, for vision, for miracles and manifesting and revealing uncensored truths. I am water, strong and powerful yet yielding to that which rises as resistance in my mind and body…. and in the heart of that… I find surrender and peace. Thank you Adri Kyser ” ~ Sheena

I am so grateful for this weekend and for the opportunity I get everyday to step on my mat and follow my heart.

When was the last time you found yourself completely free? When was the last time you gave yourself permission to try something new, let go of control and found complete surrender? Maybe today is the day you dance for freedom and liberation!

Read more:  Practice May Not Make Us Perfect But It Sure Helps Us to Be Better. 

Adri Kyser E-RYT 500 is a Vinyasa, Prana Flow yoga teacher, and Power Pilates instructor. Adri’s classes are fun, dynamic and inspiring. During her classes, she invites you to surrender and let go of inhibitions allowing you to find your natural and innate flow, transforming your practice from a state of doing into a state of being.

In addition, Adri is a contributor for Origin Magazine, YogaVibes,Yogitunes, and Learn it Live.

You can find Adri sharing her passion for yoga by leading master classes, workshops, teacher trainings and retreats in the Dallas area and abroad. For more information please visit here






Prepared by Marylee Fairbanks / Editor: Tanya L. Markul


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