April 30, 2012

Your New Summer Playlist. ~ Lindsay Friedman


Want to create an ambience your guests are sure to love? Try this playlist the next time you want to mix it up.

Music produces a kind of pleasure which human nature cannot do without. ~ Confucius

My Other Love. ~ Pretty Lights

Young Folks. ~ Peter, Bjorn & John


Music expresses that which cannot be said and on which it is impossible to be silent.  ~Victor Hugo


Fort Knox. ~ Goldfish

Porcelain. ~ Moby


You learn a lot about people when you listen to the songs that mean something to them. ~ Unknown


Riviera Rendezvous. ~ Ursula 1000

Love You Madly. ~ Cake


If music be the food of love, play on. ~ William Shakespeare

Dirty Harry. ~ Gorrilaz

Smoke & Mirrors. ~ RJD2



Lindsay Friedman is a senior studying environmental science and sustainable development at the University of Colorado at Boulder. She is an intern at elephant journal and has a part time job at The Fitter. She is also a leader of a local food campaign on campus called CU Going Local. She is a true Chicagoan turned mountain girl. Follow her on twitter: Laine0315.

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