May 22, 2012

“Enlightenment is Simple: the Synchronization of Body, Speech & Mind, Harnessed to the Present Moment.”

Enlightenment is Simple. If not easy. That’s why we call it “practice.” 


is not some other, perfect, or higher state to be attained. It is here, and now. It is ordinary—extra-ordinary.


is skin deep. But true beauty, lasting beauty, is to be found through humor, depth of insight, an open, still mind, compassion. And these qualities arise from within, from here and now—not from the plastic surgeon’s scalpel.

Here are four quotes on the synchronization of body, speech and mind from Buddhist meditation teacher Chogyam Trungpa. ~ ed.


“The ideal state of tranquility comes from experiencing body and mind being synchronized. If body and mind are unsynchronized, then your body will slump—and your mind will be somewhere else.”

“When mind and body are synchronized, that, because of your good posture, your breathing happens naturally; and because your breathing and your posture work together, your mind has a reference point to check back to. Therefore your mind will go out naturally with the breath.”

“This method of synchronizing your mind and body is training you to be very simple and to feel that you are not special, but ordinary, extra-ordinary.”

“Synchronizing body and mind is not a concept or a random technique someone thought up for self improvement. Rather, it is a basic principle of how to be a human being and how to use your sense perceptions, your mind and your body together.”

Quotes: Trungpa via Shambhala. Image: Whoa Tumblr.



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