May 27, 2012

My Friend. ~ BJ Neubauer

I spent time with a very dear friend last week

A tortured soul ~ that feels like she’s a freak

I wondered why she felt that way……

She’s generous, wise, and sweet ~

I guess it’s just one of those things, she sighed.

Expectations I’ll never meet.

I should look different, she whispered.  People can’t tell I’m strong.

Oh stop that talk right now, I cried.

That’s where you’re very, very wrong.

The expectations of who? I wondered on a sigh.

Well, ~ the shoulds & woulds & coulds, she explained….her eyes no longer dry.

Come to me, my treasured friend and in these arms you’ll find

A fountain of acceptance,   from someone true.

And kind.

 I smoothed her hair and hugged her heart ~ so sad she couldn’t see;

How far she’d come. How much she’d learned….and all that bravery.

I get it now!, she said with a smile. I’ll be in charge of me!

Of who I am, of where I go  and WHAT I want to be.

Yes, my friend, you see, that’s all there is to say!

 I placed the mirror back on the shelf ~ and proudly started my day.

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 BJ Neubauer, LMT, ERYT-200 combines her passion for the emotional healing benefits of yoga with a deep knowledge of anatomical body mechanics to provide a safe and nurturing environment in her classes. Currently enrolled in a 500 hour yoga training program, she has studied with Susi Hately exploring pain free movement and Sarah Powers to further understand the profound effects of Yin yoga. BJ is a LifeForce Yoga Practitioner© and has trained extensively with Amy Weintraub. She is also an instructor for people in recovery from chemical addictions and/or addictive behaviors. She divides her time teaching yoga & as an active massage therapist in private practice. To learn more about BJ please visit her website at  www.ReneuUYoga.com.


Editor: April Dawn Ricchuito 

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