May 21, 2012

The Real Reason the Mailman is Happy. ~ Mel Squarey

Photo by Ian Britton

He has a thrust for life—a passion that’s clearly visible as he goes about delivering the post.

As observe his inner light and joy I wonder, why is this man so happy delivering the daily mail?

Then I stopped and reflected upon my initial reaction. Why is it so strange for me to accept this postman’s happiness as rational? Why wouldn’t this man be happy? On this day he was able to get up and go to work. He was able to perform a job that is important to society. I think he really knows the secret to happiness.

As my mind was attempting to work through this concept I began going through examples in my own past of when I’ve been unhappy—the multiple times I moved into and out of my residence in college, times when I’ve felt inadequate, times when I’ve socially segregated myself from a group at a party because “they weren’t my kind of people.”

In all of these instances I had a choice. A choice I choose not to make.

There’s a story about a wife who married a man whose brother constantly made rude comments to her. She began to dread and then refuse to attend her husbands family events. She went to her husband asking him to help her by talking to his brother. He replied that he wouldn’t be able to help because he could not change his brothers choices as they related to her.

The wife was appalled by the refusal of her husband to help in the matter. She didn’t understand why he would not talk to his brother about the inappropriate behavior. After some time the wife began to understand that she didn’t have to react to the rude remarks her brother-in-law would make to her. She began to choose not to be offended by her brother-in-law and started to enjoy her family gatherings with a renewed life.

We cannot always change the way people are in life. We can choose to make our own reactions the way we would like them to be. We can choose to be happy.

My personal example: I have always been disturbed by the process of moving. I become overwhelmed and depressed whenever the time to move neared. I anxiously avoid anything that has to do with the process of moving. I become reclusive and a heavy procrastinator.

I’ve just recently moved. It’s been a completely different experience. Why? Well for starters I choose to be happy about moving. I continually told myself that I could find peace and great contentment by moving to a healthy place. I would smile and remind myself with each upturn of anxiety that I was happy.

There were turns in the big move where those deeply ingrained feelings of agitation arose. These turns were combated by positive affirmations of happiness. It was this active effort to be happy that allowed the process to be completed without any resentment.

So, I understand that the mailman is happy. He carries it with him and spreads it to the people he interacts with. He chooses to make this day the best day he has had on the job. It is this attitude of dedication to happiness that is required to exist in the positive.

There is no secret key to happiness, instead we must rationalize the concept in our way of being. We get to be happy because we woke up today. We get to be happy because there’s water to drink and sun to shine. We’re happy when we recognize the importance of our own dedication to be happy.

Be happy, be free, be peaceful.



Melissa Lesley Squarey was born and raised on the rugged, mystical, and epic island of Newfoundland, Canada. Melissa has been studying hatha yoga for 10 years and is currently completing a 200hr Yoga Alliance Yoga Teacher Training with plans for more trainings in the therapeutic style of yoga in the near future. Melissa lives her practice of yoga through love and service. Melissa believes that the size, shape, or capability of the physical body does not limit the ability for anyone to practice yoga. Melissa regularly updates her website  with various thoughts on yogic theory and everyday life. Check out    Melissa on Twitter: @MSquareyYoga or Facebook.



Editor: Kate Bartolotta

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