May 19, 2012

The Spiritual Healing of Psychic Children. ~ Vicki Starfire

Annie has bad nightmares about monsters attacking her.

When she sometimes wakes up screaming, she sees more monsters at the foot of her bed. She doesn’t want to sleep in her own room any more and is afraid of the dark and any strangers.

While this scenario is common temporarily to many young children, the psychic child might experience this night-time trauma for many years, even into adulthood. Is the only answer medication? I think not.

Although the ways of measuring are never explained, according to some recent books and articles the number of psychic or indigo children being born now is increasing. Whether there are more or we are just more aware of them now, they are still misunderstood.

A lot of them are misdiagnosed as ADHD or bipolar and given medication. They are called a “new breed”.  Here are some common characteristics according to Empowering Your Indigo Child (pp. 13 & 14).

The Indigo Child:

>>is immensely likable and endearin
>>is highly intelligent, deeply intuitive, incredibly creative, full of energy
>>is self-reliant and self-sufficient
>>has high and an almost regal sense of entitlement
>>usually “gets it” before anyone else, and has little patience for rules or authority or “old” structures
>>is a “wise old soul” with a keen sense of purpose and destiny
>>seems to carry with him or her an eternal remembering, holds a vision of joyful, harmonious perfection for our world

At the same time he or she might also be:

>>uneasy “in his skin”, uncomfortable in his life, unhappy being here on Earth.
>>extremely sensitive and reactive to everything, from someone else’s mood, to world events, to food, to the general feel of the environment.
>>as if she is in deep emotional pain, and sometimes in high anxiety and distress.
>>doing poorly at school, and be overly aggressive or withdrawn at play.
>>acting out often and have trouble “fitting in” and “getting along” at home and school.
>>play out his anguish in more serious anti-social attitudes and behaviors, and have the difficulty knowing the difference between right and wrong.
>>feeling her own pain, but not know how to cope.

Needless to say, psychic children need emotional healing. Even if they have parents who understand their abilities and problems, they still end up not sharing their experiences with anyone else, even their closest friends as they don’t want to be branded as “weird” or “different”. They often feel very isolated.

There was a very good TV series entitled, Psychic Kids in which a couple traveled around helping various psychic kids and their parents, introducing them to each other and everyone lived happily ever after (at least we didn’t see the other cases). Here is an introduction to this program.

Trailer provided by Video Detective
In this article, I’m going to focus on another type of healing—spiritual healing. While emotional health is also important, this spiritual healing is vital.

Though the emotional body and the spiritual body are related, the people who can see both types of auras report that they are different. The spiritual body, unlike the physical body is thought to continue after death. Therefore it’s even more important that caregivers and parents address this side of healing as well.

What can be done?

The most urgent issue is to teach the child how to set a circle of protection around him or her. This, plus the emotional help with overcoming their fears would set them on a better path. The ways of creating a circle of protection depends upon the spiritual/religious background of the parents; I would not want to suggest one particular way.

Next, it’s important to keep a positive attitude and for the child to choose friends who are positive, encouraging and giving. The parents need to be role models and monitor their childrens’ friends. One version, a “coming into the light” exercise described in the book Empowering Your Indigo Child (calling it “GraceLight”) is one way to do this for very young children (under 7 years old).

According to Dr. Doreen Virtue, there are also useful diets and supplements to try with these children. She also has a list of food cravings and what she says are the meanings to these cravings, and what type of soothing the person is looking for in the food.

There are numerous other spiritual healing methods. Someone needs to write another book about the spiritual healing of psychic children. It’s too big of a topic to thoroughly cover in one article. What we do know is that things are getting better for psychic children as more people become aware of who they are and how to help them realize their unusual gifts.

1. Carroll, Lee & Tober, Jan, Indigo Children
2. Dosick, Wayne & Kaufman, Ellen, Empowering Your Indigo Child
3. Leland, John, New York Times, Are They Here to Save the World? online here
4. Virtue, Doreen Dr. The Care and Feeding of Indigo Children
5. Archer, Peter Who are They, the Indigo Children? online here


Editor: Jennifer Cusano

Vicki Starfire, is a palmist, writer and psychic who has traveled and lived in parts of Asia, South America, Europe and Mexico. She presently lives near Bellingham, Washington and on the Sunshine Coast of British Columbia.
Website: http://www.mysticfare.com  e-mail: [email protected]

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