May 8, 2012

We need to make Plastic socially unacceptable.

Update: Scientists invent silk food wrap that’s biodegradable and could replace plastic cling film – Bananas & strawberries kept at room temperature for more than a week did not go off after they were coated with a near-invisible film made from silk (independent.co.uk)

Update: “The amount of plastic trash in the “Great Pacific Garbage Patch” has increased 100-fold during the past 40 years, causing “profound” changes to the marine environment (worldnews.msnbc.msn.com)”


“Nature functions by building up and breaking down…we keep putting things into the environment that don’t break down.”

“We did it with smoking, we did it with seat belts, we did it with drunk driving, when that became unacceptable…perhaps times will change and we will.”

Find out more at http://www.trashedfilm.com/

Trashed – No Place For Waste with the participation of Jeremy Irons, looks at the risks to the food chain and the environment through pollution of our air, land and sea by waste. The film reveals surprising truths about very immediate and potent dangers to our health. It is a global conversation from Iceland to Indonesia between the film star Jeremy Irons and scientists, politicians and ordinary individuals whose health and livelihoods have been fundamentally affected by waste pollution. Visually and emotionally the film is both horrific and beautiful: an interplay of human interest and political wake-up call. But it ends on a message of hope: showing how the risks to our survival can easily be averted through sustainable approaches that provide far more employment than the current ‘waste industry’.

(C) Blenheim Films 2012

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