June 7, 2012

Heartsmile: PBS remixes Mister Rogers.

“Did you ever grow anything in the garden of your mind. You can think about things and make believe. All you have to do is think, and they’ll grow.”

With thanks for the tip to Reddit: “PBS discovers Symphony of Science on YouTube, commissions a remix of Mister Rogers. It got to me a bit.

Mister Rogers Remixed | Garden of Your Mind | PBS:

Mister Rogers remixed by Symphony of Science’s John Boswell for PBS Digital Studios.

When we discovered video mash-up artist John D. Boswell, aka melodysheep, on YouTube, we immediately wanted to work together. Turns out that he is a huge Mister Rogers Neighborhood fan, and was thrilled at the chance to pay tribute to one of our heroes. Both PBS and the Fred Rogers Company hope you like John’s celebration of Fred Rogers’ message. (Headphones highly recommended!)

This is the first in a series of PBS icons remixed.

Many thanks to the folks at the Fred Rogers Company for their support.

More from melodysheep: http://www.youtube.com/melodysheep

Subscribe to PBS Digital Studios: http://www.youtube.com/pbsdigitalstudios
On Twitter: @pbsds

More wonderfulness:

“So many people have helped me to come here to this night. Some of you are here, some are far away and some are even in Heaven. All of us have special ones who loved us into being.

Would you just take, along with me, 10 seconds to think of the people who have helped you become who you are, those who cared about you and wanted what was best for you in life. 10 seconds, I’ll watch the time. Whomever you’ve been thinking about, how pleased they must be to know the difference you feel they have made. You know they’re kind of people television does well to offer our world.

Special thanks to my family, my friends, and my co-workers in Public Broadcasting and Family Communications, and to this Academy for encouraging me, allowing me, all these years to be your neighbor. May God be with you. Thank you very much.”


Bonus reminder via a Redditor, link to our Allie’s article: “If you’ve never seen the video of Mr. Rogers defending children’s programming on the floor of the senate, you need to. Here’s a link.

Listen closely to the tone of the congressman change over the course of 6 minutes. He was an amazing man.”


On another note…

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