June 29, 2012

If the Lord Say So: A Call for World Healing by 13 Indigenous Grandmothers. ~ ShaMecha Simms

My great-grandmother, Nana, was famous for one-liners.

Perhaps it was years of raising children, 73 years of marriage or just living in her body that reduced convoluted explanations for life’s occurrences to its simplest forms.

Nana and the latest member of the 4th generation

“If the Lord say so,” she’d respond in her thick as peanut butter Southern accent (despite 50 years of living in Newark, New Jersey)—to anything that appeared overwhelming.

That saying drove me crazy because of its passivity and lack of intention. I needed clear, defined goals; I couldn’t accept her throwing her expectations to the wind. A saying I was just starting to understand in the months before she transitioned.

“If the Lord say so” was Nana’s willingness to allow her wisdom, love and presence to be carried into the people and places who needed it most.

Today we call this phenomenon she understood so completely surrender

Mourning the removal of Nana’s physical presence, the following video of 13 indigenous grandmothers fighting to restore balance and love to every generation in the world especially touched me. The power of the matriarch is alive and well.

Fulfilling a prophecy handed to each woman by her forbears, the sentiments shared by the grandmothers are rich with authority in doing the things we know is right and good.

For this time, the “11th hour,” fill spackle into the cracks of cultural differences and utilize group consciousness to transform the planet, its lifeforms.

Submit yourself to be an instrument of divine purpose.

Pray for one another.

Honor the responsibility for the people and things in your care.

Grandma says so.


ShaMecha Simms is dedicating this post to the memory of Mattie Minitee and Sadie King; to Annie Evans and all keepers of familial bonds.




Editor: Lynn Hasselberger

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