June 19, 2012

Kino Macgregor Speaks on Sharing the Flame of Ashtanga Yoga. {Video}

The other day in Philly, I had the pleasure of meeting and practicing with Ashtanga Master Kino Macgregor.

Kino was in Philadelphia teaching at the wonderful boutique studio, Shanti Yoga Shala, in Midtown Village.

There were a number of questions that I wanted to ask one of Sri K. Pattabhi Jois most devout disciples of my time. The one question that I knew I had to ask was, “What has been the reason for you to maintain and continue the Ashtanga lineage?”

The reason this was an important question for me is because I’m seeing a pattern of yoga lineages evolving or dissipating. So many teachers these days are either switching teaching styles or creating their own. Yogic tradition has become a thing of the past in many places, so it shows dedication to stay true to a style.

I was honored that Kino took the time before her workshop to answer my question in her dharma talk. That day she spoke to us about the importance of chanting, Guruji’s view on the importance of the spiritual practice of yoga, as well as many other facets of her Ashtanga practice.

Please check out the video below:



Editor: Kate Bartolotta

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