June 3, 2012

Reduce. Reuse. Reload? {Video}

Kids don’t try this at home!

I am a huge fan of re-purposing things instead of throwing them out. Glass jars becoming drinking glasses, wildflower vases and gifts. Worn out clothes are great for quilts. Refinishing hand-me-down or thrift shop furniture is fun to do and makes your home personal and fun instead of a cookie cutter version of an Ikea catalog. You can even find places that will help you build your own doghouse out of used materials.

But I have to say, it never occurred to me to do this:


Pepper spray…well pepper spray sucks (but using a cayenne pepper solution on your plants is a great way to keep bugs and animals—or your neighbors—from eating them). But slingshots? Slingshots are pretty awesome.


Please recycle responsibly (and only use your slingshot for water balloons!).

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