Walking the Walk into the Age of Aquarius.
“How long are you going to be there?” was the question asked to me as I prepared to travel.
My reply was, as it always was, “I don’t know.”
It was a lifestyle I transitioned into after I left behind everything I had. I said goodbye to everything I had created and had attained during the first 47 years of my life—all but two suitcases of clothing, a bag of files and my trustworthy computer.
It was made clear to me, I would keep one material item which was a sign of the times in which I was currently living. Though I was not always wanting to engage in the world I was leaving behind, there were brief moments when I found myself thankful for my computer and the technology that was responsible for creating it.
This all happened after spending much time at my bodhi tree.
As the story goes, the bodhi tree, or wisdom tree, is where the teacher known as Buddha, became enlightened. For me, my bodhi tree is what I refer to as a meditative state where I am very clear on what is true.
Photo: Chrissy OlsonThat is, what is true for me.
It is a place where answers to my questions are made clear. It is a place where I receive information and guidance. It is a place where I learn.
Through my regular yoga and meditation practices, I had gotten to a place where I could get quiet almost anywhere, doing anything. This is known as samadhi.
Regardless of your relationship to meditation and other states of consciousness, when you receive direction and guidance that is coming to you loud and clear from your perspective, you begin to listen.
I become very familiar with surrendering to divine guidance and to letting go. Letting go of all kinds of things.
During this time, I was taught why I was wanting (what I was wanting) and why it was in my ‘nature’ to attach to most every thing I had ever received, in my life.
I learned why I, a spiritual being living a human being experience, was attached to stuff. I learned and understood why I had grown to become attached to stuff coming from a material nature like my computer and my cell phone.
Photo: Tom BKKWhile I was at my bodhi tree, I learned about where I, as a human being, had become dependent upon food and other survival based necessities. Where, as in where in my life cycle. It was as if I had literally evolved to a point of rebirth.
I was guided to, and I allowed myself to let go of just about everything in my life experience that did not compromise my life.
Enough food, shelter and clothing were kept in my daily life experience to survive. However, for me, those items that represented human life survival were brought to a level of uncertainty and scarcity. At times, I feared for my life.
Visions of the teacher, Buddha, were a common occurrence. Was this what Buddha, himself, had experienced? Was the life I had created for myself to parallel that of Buddha? How?
In his book, The World’s Religions, Huston Smith writes,
“All of us dwell on the brink of the infinite ocean of life’s creative power…The infinite is down in the darkest, profoundest vault of our being, in the forgotten well-house, the deep cistern. What if we could bring it to light and draw from it unceasingly?”
This is what fed the ancient yogis of India.
It was this quest, their quest for finding their infinite.
By moving beyond the physical practice of yoga and tapping into the ‘deep cistern’ inside of my being, I was able to unearth my infinite… my soul.
That which was my life’s creative power. That which gives my life purpose on this planet during this lifetime.
With over 30 years in the Healing Arts, Julie is writing about life moving forward into the Age of Aquarius. She has been published in magazines such as 11:11 Magazine and is in the process of publishing her first book.
Editor: Elysha Anderson
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