July 6, 2012

elephant asks: “What’s Your Favorite Ice Cream?”

In honor of National Ice Cream month, we inquired about your favorite frozen treats.

And you answered!

Via Facebook:

Connie C.: I thought every month is ice cream month.

Kitty C.: Larry and Luna’s Coconut Bliss. Totally yummy, totally vegan, and they support kirtan!

Melissa R.: Frozen tart natural Greek yogurt! Yummy.

Barb M.: Jeni’s is the best.

Pattee I.: Ciao Bella gelato, key lime…yum!

Tess R.: Ben & Jerry’s Cherry Garcia

Cheryl L.: Tempt! Hemp “ice cream”  it’s Yummmmy!!

Rawganic Vegan.: Raw organic ice cream made with cashews and coconut meat! So creamy and with fresh fruit, doesn’t even require any added sugar :).

Gail E.: Coconut Bliss

Aco I.: It looks delicious!

Fran H.: Peanut Butter and Chocolate or Rocky Road

Jilly R.: Authentic Vanilla pod….. yums..!

Lisa G.: Chocolate is the best!

James M.: Double chocolate crunch um, forget the supermarket, local big box in Arlington VA, walking home from having Mexican with my aunt and uncle eight years back—that memory is finely etched!

Lynn Hasselberger: Vanilla—pure & simple! Sometimes I crunch up Neumano’s cookies on top. But the raw organic ice cream with coconut meat mentioned by RawganicVegan sure sounds yummy! Anybody delivering today?

Angela A.: homemade – mocha ice cream with caramel and sea salt

Royce B.: Coconut Bliss Maca Magic

Dawn Cartwright: Stonyfield Organic “Gotta Have Vanilla” Ice Cream.

Ben Ralston: National Ice Cream Month? Are you kidding? You have a whole month for ice cream? Mother’s get one day, but Ice Cream gets a month? Independence gets one day, ice cream a month? Now I know the cause of all that’s wrong in the world. Oh, and er, raw strawberry ice cream (there’s no dairy or anything cooked – it’s delicious). If you’re really nice I’ll give you the recipe. (I agree, Ben…and still want that recipe! ~ Kate)

Kate Bartolotta: Royce, I love that Maca Magic. Can’t find it near me anymore, but I’ve made a smoothie w/ frozen banana, coconut milk, maca, cacao & cooled yerba mate chocolate tea…wow.

Anna Sheinman: Coconut ice-cream with fresh, cacao powder, berries and figs,but not for the whole month. May be once in a blue moon…moderation. If I wouldn’t worry about fat, sugar and all that being healthy thing, I would def. eat it daily—the whole jar in a day!

Alysia W.: I wish I could say it was some uber healthy, raw, vegan, cacao sweetened with Agave concotion, and I have had some good ones, but if you want an honest answer….it’s rocky road (with actual marshmallows…none of this marshmallow ribbon stuff…followed closely by mint chip. And yes, it’s probably green mint chip. Oh my vices…

If you have to have a vice, ice cream (dairy or non) isn’t such a bad way to go.

My favorite if I’m buying it is Ciao Bella’s Coconut Sorbet, but if you’re in the mood to make (vegan) ice cream, give this a try:

Easy Vegan “Soft-Serve”

Freeze one large, sliced organic banana per serving.

Put the frozen bananas in your blender.

Blend on high until the bananas are the consistency of soft-serve ice cream.

Top with whatever you’re in the mood for (I like it with a some almond butter) or add a little cacao powder while blending to make it into chocolate “soft-serve.” You can add non-dairy milk to thin it out if it isn’t blending easily or to make it into a yummy banana “milk shake.”


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