July 15, 2012

Having “BOOM” in Your Life. ~ Sherri Rosen

You must be wondering, “What is she talking about—’boom‘ in your life?”

That boom is when someone or something makes you go weak in the knees, comes into your life unexpectedly and makes you feel quite like you have never felt before.

Examples:  It could be the passion you feel when you meet a new partner or it could be a creative project you have been germinating on and then it comes to fruition full force.

When boom comes into my life I have to go for it, check it out and have no regrets—whether it works or not.

I’ll give you another example. About a year ago, I was talking with this guy online and we finally met after speaking to one another on the phone for about a month. When I opened the door and we took one look at each other, that was a huge boom. The next thing I knew we were in one another’s arms; we spent two weekends like that together.

Unfortunately it didn’t work out, but I took a chance on that boom, and I had a great time doing it.

Boom is like firecrackers on the Fourth of July—some fizzle and others are amazingly brilliant.

If you don’t stay open to the boom in your life, it will either disappear or it just won’t happen.

Be open to experience the boom.

B is for brilliant, bold and bodacious.
O is for over the moon.
O is for out of this world.
M is for magic.

I believe it’s important to have the experience and know what boom is;  this doesn’t mean you always have to act on it.

You may find in certain situations, you feel the boom, but it acting on it doesn’t resonate with you energetically.

However, being able to know and feel the boom—and choose whether or not to act—lets you know it’s still alive and well in your life.

If you’ve been lucky enough to experience this, you’ll know exactly what I mean.

Don’t lose the magic in life; don’t lose the boom.

Sherri Rosen is now living in Harlem, New York. She has had her own publicity business for 12 years giving a powerful voice to people who are doing good things in the world. She writes on her own blog at www.SherriRosen.com, www.GateKeepersPost.com, www.Triiibes.com, www.Examiner.com and www.TheGoodMenProject.com.


Editor:  April Dawn Ricchuito

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