I’ve always wanted to live life to its fullest with the greatest of intensity. I just didn’t realize I was doing it until recently.
I once belonged to a nonreligious spiritual community, Diamond Heart, which made my dream to live at my highest potential come true. It’s hard work and magical, but I am learning how to do it with balance. All the changes and transformations that have occurred within me over the years have not happened over night. It’s been a long and gradual process.
Now, I sit with the knowledge that I have made yet another dream come true. The next step is how to manifest this in a healthy way and not burn myself out. There needs to be a pacing in our lives of what we can and cannot do, acceptance of limitations, a great deal of patience and knowing that some things just don’t happen overnight.
Building an attraction that allows me to surround myself with good people who will support and be there for me is a constant task. One-way deals lead to total burnout, this conflicts with the energy needed to manifest an enjoyable life. Allowing selfish, self-centered, self-involved people to gain ground in relationships is self-sabotage as nothing positive can come of it.
I just experienced a situation in my business that forced me to prioritize my professional interests. I was working with a freelancer contracted to a client who I very much love on her new manuscript. They were working together for a very long time. When I don’t work directly with the freelancer I look to my clients to let me know if they are happy or unhappy with my freelancer’s work.
I strive to give my clients the best. I only learned about the poor quality and treatment of this freelancer’s work when I hired her for a new client.
This particular new client told me immediately that she wasn’t doing her job. I was appreciative of his honesty even though I was upset at finding out the truth. I immediately fired the freelancer and hired a wonderful young woman who respect and honors the relationships with our clients. I felt used by the freelancer and her inability to voice her unhappiness manifested in lack of professionalism with my clients and me.
It’s great to take life by the balls, but one has to learn to do it in a way that is healthy and loving and in a way that will be a long and fulfilling life. I wish that for all of you.
Sherri Rosen is now living in Harlem, New York. She has had her own publicity business for 12 years giving a powerful voice to people who are doing good things in the world. She writes on her own blog at www.SherriRosen.com, www.GateKeepersPost.com, www.Triiibes.com, www.Examiner.com and www.TheGoodMenProject.com.
Editor: ShaMecha Simms
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