July 26, 2012

Release Your Inner Child.

A grownup is a child with layers on.
~ Woody Harrelson

As kids, all we wanted to do was grow up. We equated adulthood with freedom. Staying up late. Eating whatever and whenever we want—no yucky green veggies necessary.

Having more fun.

Yet, as grown-ups, many times we feel weighed down with responsibility, stretched in too many directions, effin’ stressed out. We sometimes take ourselves quite seriously. Maybe we’ve built walls—layers—intending to protect ourselves.

Weren’t we once fearless? Spellbound by the tiniest things? Weighed down only by our dreams?

Our inner child is still in there somewhere, aching to be let loose from all the layers we’ve piled on over the years. Why not break him/her out for the day or even a moment? Be playful. Blow some bubbles. Skip around the block. Feel the freedom. Take fearlessness out for a test run. Let yourself have some fun.

Let’s collectively make a promise to ourselves to try this once a day, if only for an hour. The world will be a better, lighter place.

For some inspiration, watch this music video.

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