August 2, 2012

Huckabee, Palin, Bachmann & 100s of 1000s come out in support of Bigotry.

Update: “How to enjoy a Chick-fil-a Sandwich without supporting their anti-gay agenda.”

Update, via Reddit: “homosexuality has been observed in chickens. Here’s a petition asking Chick-fil-A to stop serving them.”

And, via Reddit: Chick-Fil-A has donated more than $1,100,000 to anti-gay hate groups through its “charitable” arm, The Winshape Foundation. And, Chick-Fil-A Donated Nearly $2 Million To Anti-Gay Groups In 2010.

And, Jon Stewart’s take.

From 10 days ago: Jim Henson Company to sever all ties with Chick-Fil-A over anti gay marriage statements by their CEO and will divert all existing payments from them to GLAAD.


Huckabee, Palin, Bachmann & hundreds of thousands of Americans come out to support Chick-fil-A.

Always liked Huckabee. Never marked him for a friend of bigots.

Hundreds of thousands of people across the country headed to Chick-fil-A restaurants on Wednesday, answering a callfrom Mike Huckabee, the former governor of Arkansas, to show support for the fast-food chain after the company’s president drew criticism for his opposition to same-sex marriage…

Last weekend, Mr. Huckabee used his television and radio programs, as well as Facebook, to help organize an appreciation day for Chick-fil-A on Wednesday.

More than 650,000 people signed up to participate, and tens of thousands “liked” photos of packed restaurants that Mr. Huckabee posted on his Facebook page on Wednesday…

…click here for the rest.

Cheers, Mayor Menino (bonus: the below is printed on recycled paper). This makes me proud to have been a longtime Bostonian:

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