August 7, 2012

Koch Brothers vs. Obama.

How much for your democracy?

Koch Network Alone To Spend More To Defeat Obama In 2012 Than McCain Raised In All Of 2008.

The Koch Brothers, billionaire backers of the “grassroots” Tea Party, have launched a $25 million TV ad campaign through their SuperPac, “Americans for Prosperity.” The ad buy stretches across 11 states over the three weeks leading up to the Republican National Convention.

For more, including the ad.

I’m not linking to the video here because, while it’s less than brilliant, I don’t want to give it views directly. I do want to raise the issue of campaign financing—a fundamentally bipartisan issue upon which the integrity of democracy—one vote, one person—depends.

For more on the Koch Brothers.

Also: Adelson to give Kochs another $10 million to defeat Obama and Democrats.

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