August 7, 2012

Shortcut to Empathy: this Photo.

Cute Alert!

Cuteness can be profound stuff. It can lead us to learn and care about more than ourselves and our own happiness. And that’s how the world keeps spinning ’round.

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“A newborn baby gorilla at Melbourne Zoo gets a checkup at the hospital and shows surprise at the coldness of the stethoscope.”

Dian Fossey, legend, lived with Gorillas for 20 plus years. She was killed…by a human:


“Dr. Dian Fossey spent 14 years in the Virunga Mountains of Rwanda Studying the huge primates where after a number of years she was accepted by one of the gorilla family groups and treated as a member. After an absence of 3 years, she returns to visit her beloved gorillas to find out if they still remember and accept her.”

More cuteness:

Bonus: curious how gorillas maintain their large muscle mass on a diet that is almost 70% fruit, and 20% leaves? < Read the comments.

Also, via Huff Post: “Gorillas Seen Destroying and Dismantling Poachers’ Snares In Rwanda.”

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