August 1, 2012

SOS: Please Sign the Petition to Stop Killing Elephants for Illegal Ivory Trade! {Video}

Stephanie Vergniault, President of SOS Elephants, and villager looking at elephant carcass.

The question is, are we happy to suppose that our grandchildren may never be able to see an elephant except in a picture book?

David Attenborough

On July 24, 2012, ivory poachers killed 30 or more elephants.

Warning: video has some disturbing images. 

If poaching continues at this rate, “not a single elephant will be alive in Chad in three years time.”

How you can help.

Please sign the the SOS Elephants petition to stop killing African elephants for illegal ivory trade.

SOS Elephants is the only non-government organization in Chad dedicated to preserving elephants and their habitats. It works through a combination of research, education, conservation and counter-poaching actions. The organization has developed a network of 100 to 200 local people who inform about poaching activities, including providing positions of poachers or elephants.

Read more about the gruesome elephant massacre here.

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