August 27, 2012

Want to support Obama? Here’s a deal.

Fully endorse Romney? Good for you: democracy is all about voting your conscience, whatever that may be.

Voting third party? Awesome. Either way, write something about your experience or inspiration and send it to elephant. We’re all about respectful dialogue—it’s the only time we all learn anything. Try us.

Voting Obama? Here’s a deal:

“We’re running a 20% off storewide sale right now at the Obama Store — and it ends this Friday.

So head on over to the site, pick up a custom state tee or a yard sign, and enter “GEAR UP” at checkout to take 20% off your purchase of $20 or more.

The best part? You’ll pay as much for shipping on your order as you did for the postcard we sent you last week — which is to say, nothing.”

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